
the withers family four

the withers family four
....the withers family four...

Saturday, April 18, 2015

hippity hop...

of course one of our traditions is to stop and see the easter bunny at the mall!
This year we did not get a chance to hop over until easter weekend...nothing like cutting it close! 
 we left a note and some carrots for the easter bunny... 
 easter morning - sophia found her basket and bean bag chair from the easter bunny behind the couch. Livia found her basket and bean bag chair in the hall closet...that easter bunny sure is sneaky!
after finding fit bits in their baskets, we decided to take an early morning walk before easter mass- it was such a beautiful morning! 

 ready for church with grandma and grandpa!


 easter dinner with grandma nancy and auntie susan

 time for the annual egg hunt at grandma and grandpa's house! grandpa was braving the wet there a hurricane a-coming?

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

yee haw!

last week we attended sophia's 1st grade musical - the wild, wild west. This is a pretty big event for the 1st graders, and it is a little bit like a graduation from the "little" school. Sophia was selected to have a speaking part during the musical. We had been listening to her practice her speaking part and her singing for quite some time, so we were eager to see it all put together. 
We could not have been more proud of our little cowgirl! 

 walking in with her class... 

 "He always knew he would get a chance to try out his cowboy call- Yee Haw!" 

 our sassy cowgirl...
 sophia with her 1st grade teacher, mrs. aten
 and some ice cream to celebrate! 

Friday, April 3, 2015

spring has sprung!

welcome spring!
Have you been itching to clean as much as I have? There is something about spring cleaning that is so invigorating...don't you agree? Okay, so maybe it isn't that much fun in the beginning, but there is nothing more satisfying then opening up a closet and seeing everything neatly put in its place! Here are some of the things we have been working on in the Withers House...
sophia has wanted to paint her room for quite some time now. We decided to paint it over Spring Break (thanks for Grandma and Grandpa) and change out her bedding and curtains.



 what do you think?
We have recovered our chairs once before, but they were in DIRE need of attention after 2 years of little children spilling milk and other substances on them. 
 this is what they looked like originally - we made a change after children AND
 a dog got a hold of them!
 2nd cover BEFORE
My dad made a pelmet for the space above our kitchen are the BEFORE, DURING,
and AFTER shots 

bobby wrapped the pelmet with batting and then the fabric...the best part of all is I only spent $48 for the fabric and batting - score!
breakfast for my little leprechauns...
i made them some pistachio pudding with rainbow sprinkles for dessert in the evening
ever since the girls were REALLY little we have not used the "b-u-t-t" word. The girls know they cannot use it, but every one in a while they will spell it if it is in a book or magazine. Well, I found these cute Bunny B-u-t-t-s on Pinterest. We had a go and changed the name to "Bunny Bottoms"...

Sophia's spring banner is flying proudly on Main Street...


We'll be back soon for some BEFORE and AFTER pictures of our playroom (we are currently in the process of painting and rearranging) and some pictures of our Easter.