it's here...Summer has arrived! Here are a few photos to PROVE that summer is FINALLY here!
teacher gifts...end of school signals the beginning of summer!
our summer bucket list (second annual...)
arts and crafts hour at the withers household
water carnival grande day parade...this year i was on the "past royalty" float
my view from the float (i love my family!)
father's day/grande day parade :)
our first "official" bucket list item was the minnesota zoo...
how cute is this baby prairie dog?
sophia and bobby with the giraffes...we were going to try and feed them, but they were "stuffed" by the time we arrived!
at the farm - farm babies is a sign of summer
(right after this picture, we LOST sophia for about 15 minutes at the zoo...if you want to hear the entire full panicked-filled story, be sure to inquire. i do not believe we will forget those details EVER!)
all is well again...phew!
bobby and i celebrating our anniversary...11 balloons for 11 years of marriage
let the summer continue!